

Post by Miss Behavior:

oh dear, oh dear! me o my, this canadian adventure is nearing an end... BUT as the equistie field rep that i am, i am pleased to report to LisaBot headquarters, and our readership, that canada sure does have a lot to offer LisaBot INC. like feed. there is tons of livestock feed in the pictured building. also, there are homemade windmills, presumably considered garden art... and Timmy Hortons, lest we forget. need a cup of piping hot coffee and a chocalate danish? timmy hortons, friends. that's the place.

hours upon countless hours of secret recon work has led me to one conclusion: The Dollar Store is the place if you are having a hard time finding small address books with biblical quotes in them (and in them), look no further than The Dollar Store. (yes, Miss Behavior did recieve compensation {billions of twisty-ties, and loads of canadian themed mardi gras necklaces) to promote this fine establishment.)