
Leonard Cohen? NO THANKS!

Posted by music diety: Dingo Varrick

What the hell is wrong with Leonard Cohen fans?! Seriously. SERIOUSLY. what do they think they are listening to? sure, you may think he is a genius... well maybe that is because you think a genius is someone who arranges and plays music that sounds like musicians went to a garbage dump, sifted through the trash, and found a few f*ed up instruments and starts playing. and then some a$$hole recorded it... and now Leonard Cohen fans have their next installment.

Please. IT SOUNDS LIKE NOISE. noise. please, people. liking something that is super 'mysterious' in sound quality and logic DOES NOT make you have "good" taste. you like it because you think you should. probably someone told you his song lyrics are as good as poetry. you are an idiotic fool. his lyrics are nothing like poetry. poetry does not have music behind it. and-- you can't even understand what he is saying/singing/groaning. oh, i get it, this is one of those songwriters where you have to read through the little booklet the comes in the cd... oh, yeah, there are his song lyrics... name one poet (other than Bukowski, who sucks) that writes that badly. there you go, now you're getting it... THEY ARE SONG LYRICS... riiight.

now stop pushing that shit like it is poptarts. seriously. anyone who ever listens to it think YOU are a friggin fool wit hbad taste. you just like it because someone told you it was good, and maybe they told you it is 'under the radar' or something. don't be an a$$, please, just give it up. it's awful.

i would rather listen to 48 consecutive car accidents (with no one injured) than spend even 5 min listening to such crappy doodoo.

do yourself a favor: