

the bot will be in Michigan next week for a regularily schedule but top secret event. As of late developemnts in NY are as follows...

our beloved Bronx Times Reporter is certainly a FABULOUS and talented man. the ladies of NY cheer (believe i had nothing to do with it...)

our representative in IOWA slowly an subtly takes sweet sweet advantage of all the girls under the age of 21. buy 'em beer. easy.

our resident Dentist spent one slow night at Bungalow 8. since it's my bog let me take a moment to say...
i told you so.
moving on...

a particular Trumpeteer will be in NY for the weekend. bedautchery ensues... so one so on... i hope Berman isn't coming or we're fucked. And if our cheap little Trumpeteer eats all my food again, i am seriously going to have a shitfit with you guys.

a certain NY writer's program contends to be one of the sources for "weakest sauce" in all of NY. we have an office pool that bets "weakest in the country" god have a fuckin shot. they are free.

parting notes: a sweet sweet hello and wink to our strong supporters at idleatwork. also we do not confirm nor deny our relationship to that site.