

live feed from the radio station in the LisaBot studios, NYC...

LisaBot INC: Isn't it strange the way relationship relapse or take a step toward the direction of a relapse in early spring?

American Girl: Yeah, it is right, I guess i have noticed this a bit recently.

LisaBot INC: What specific experiences have you had with that sort of thing?

American Girl: Well I received a total of 3 emails, 1 text, and 2 phone calls. A couple were overlaps-- the same person I mean.

LB INC: What did they want? What did they say?

A.G.: Umm... I don't know exactly. I guess to get a picture again, you know.

LB INC: what do you mean?

A.G.: Well we haven't seen each other in a while, me and each of them, so I guess they just wanted to know what the picutre looks like now, you know of my life.

LB INC: Why do you think it is important?

A.G. : I really don't know. Maybe it is some kind of check up, or check in rather. Like to see if I am crazy yet or successful or something. Maybe to see if they made a mistake, like maybe I was the keeper...

LB INC: Were you?

A.G.: It's hard to say. Sometimes when a guy reaches in front of me to pick up bread at the grocery store I think that he is my husband, but sometimes at the end of the day, or if I wake up too early, it seems like maybe I missed someone.

LB INC: Who?

A.G.: It's hard to say.