

Editor-At-Large Pokey Northridge as released the following report from her inspection of new LisaBot endevors in Burlington, VT:

"you have got to be kidding me.

turkey dinners in march? oh, well yes: as a note to all single men everywhere: do not invite women you don't know to turkey dinners with your family including your mother, especially when the girl is sweaty from running your ass on a tennis court.

a tip to the '420-friendly' readers: please! that shit is so whack. there is no need to being sucking on a bong at your age. get over yourself. if you can't find anything to do other than march around with big signs protesting a war you don't understand then ... then... raahhh! what can i say here? the most likely reason you can't understand why protesting a war in the shopping district of a small vermont town is that you are too fucking high. seriously. find something else to do.

the situation here is strange. lisabot field reps stationed here are growing cranky from the lack of... well, lack of everything. i suspect they are used to much more of everything... yikes, yikes. this project seems to be derailing fast.

more to come."



LisaBot reps report the following from intense field research in the following location:

BURLINGTON, VT: "holy shit! there are a shit ton of white people here with dreadlocks. i saw a woman in the grocery store who was an ADULT and had dreads and a crazy, 100-ft-long scrap of fabric that was wrapped all around here head. there was flair dangling off it. seriously. like little charms and shit. and apparently all these people with 'dreadies' are really taking a stand against manners. and i think that is REALLY socially conscious. yeah, like treat everone like they are worthless and then save the animals by eating tofu. as far as i can tell, the Dreadies are making the world a much better place. ugh."



LisaBot reps have arrived, finally, in Burlington, Vermont.

More to come...