

Logistics Report

it seems this week the LisaBot offices have suffered minor and major set backs. As a fledgling international company plans were to, well, take over the world... but since one CEO's hair colorist came down with a fever and yesterday required tennis and napping and more napping, we are a bit behind. however tomorrow is the lapse day and therein Thursday afternoon everything will be up and running at full throttle.

Report Summary from Editor-At-Large Pokey Northridge

A quick editorial must suffice as I have been bucked off two horses today and am about to ride this one to the glue factory. General scores for the last months are as follows, rated on a scale from one to ten, ten being the highest:

0 0 weddings attended
6 french kissing (too much tongue)
10 some morrocan dish w/ chicken served with heineken
-7 cover letters and applications
10 champagne in the basement of a club
2 out of practice backhand
10 new citrus floss

A serious editorial will be congealing soon but this shit is all Post-Its and receipts at this point. Best Regards,
